Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kyder Bug!!

 I figured that I should probably start writing on this Blog since I have had it for a while now. :) I haven't done this before, obviously, so I thought that I would start with introducing my kids to everyone. 

This is Kyden Christopher,  we call him KC. He was born February 15, 2003 at 12:31 a.m. He weighed 8lbs. 13oz. and 21 3/4 inches long. He was born with Brown hair and dark blue eyes. 

My labor was less than easy. We knew that Kyden was quite cozy where he was and he didn't wanna come out any time soon so we had no choice but to induce him. I went in on February 13th at 9 p.m. They started me on Cervidil: It is a small rectangular pouch with a retrieval cord that looks similar to a tampon. It helps rippen the cervix. But after 3 hours, it wasn't working. I had only gained a half centimeter. So they went to Pitocin: Pitocin is a synthetically created form of the naturally occurring hormone oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions. I was on Pitocin for 7 hours. I gained 7 cm. I was taken off of pitocin for a few hours to see if I would continue on my own. Eventually I needed it again around 5p.m. on the 14th. By 8p.m. my amniotic sack was ready to pop. After my water broke I lost my Mucus Plug and from then on, I couldn't wait to have my baby boy!!

Kyden was born natural (ouch). They tried giving me something to numb the pain but it failed miserably. I had no choice but to have him natural. I have extensive scar tissue on my spine and was unable to have an epidural. Although I was upset at the thought of "that" pain, I handled it like a pro! While I was pushing, Kyden got stuck in the birth canal causing shoulder distotia (not sure how to spell it). In other words, his shoulders were too broad and couldn't fit through. I heard the Mid-wife ask a Doctor for advice and he said to break my pelvis to get him out. I probably shouldn't have done it, but I thought, "Uhh, NO WAY!" so I pushed real hard and out he came! However I suffered terrible ripping from it, I was glad he was out!

I did have some medical complications afterwards. I don't think that they knew what happened exactly. I had some hemoraging, needed lots of blood work done, was given countless medicines by I.V. and I was in pain. My Hematocrit was 17 which is WAY low! it went even lower the next day. When I left the hospital it was around 13. When you get to 20 that's when you need a blood transfusion. However I was able to convince my Doctor that I would work hard to get it back to normal if she let me go home. Which I did! They know that something had happened to me after delivery and were mind boggled when they ran multiple tests and never recovered any answers.

-Kyden was born with a small lesion on his head. (will post pics on a later date). We never did find out what it was from. The Doctor said that he may have been in the birth canal so long that his head rested in the same spot for a long period of time and eventually created this sore like spot. It healed nicely with the exception that hair would never grow on it. But we hide it well.- 

He was SO chubby! I loved it! He was dark red and had a GREAT set of lungs on him! His cry was so cute and little! The Mid-wife, Dixie, said that she was sure that he was over 9lbs but low and behold, she was wrong. Not by much, but still. :)

Kyden was a good eater! He had TWO bottles within an hour or two of being born! Him being a good eater also made him sleep through the night! Amazingly he slept through EVERY night since birth! As a first time Mom, I was SO lucky!!! 

When Kyden was three weeks old I had a terrible pain shooting through my chest and was taken to the hospital. They tested me for a heart attack and it was negative. But I was in so much pain. After many hours and extensive testing, they found my Gallbladder was FILLED with stones! It turns out that my gallbladder was most likely the cause of most of my pain after childbirth. It was removed shortly after my E.R. visit. 

Kyden is the most happy little boy! He has always been a big boy, not chunky but stalky and TALL! I am 5'6 and he is just under my shoulders! At only 8 years old, that's tall! He is a great son and fun BIG brother. He is by far my most favorite Kyden!! <3