Okay, I know that I have enough of my own drama in my life that I don't need to feed off of others drama, but when its FAKE then I'm all ears. Seriously, for as much as I have always hated Soap Opera's, I sure love them now. Yea, I know that they are a bunch of crap but it makes me feel better even if just imagining that someone else's life is tangled in more lies, deceit, betrayal, murder, gossip, cheating, fraudulent, and more down right appalling than mine is!! Maybe that is crude of me, but dang, these Daytime shows can be quite interesting.
When I say Redneck Soap, I mean look at the stories ex: Harold and Peggy were the perfect married couple, then Peggy fell for Harold's brother Ted. Peggy sleeps with Ted and he secretly Fathers her son Ken. Harold raises Ken as his own son when in fact, its his nephew. Then she breaks the news to Harold that Ken is Ted's son. Harold files for divorce and to get even he sleeps with Janette, Peggy's sister, they marry and have a son named Nick. Peggy marries Ted and they have another son named Jack. After both original couples were married to new spouces for two years, they fall back in love and have a love child that Ted thinks is his and its really Harolds. That child is Olivia. Ted and Peggy divorce when Olivia was 16. During all those years between Olivia's birth and Peggy and Ted's divorce, Peggy fails to tell Ted that Olivia isn't his and she also fails to tell Harold that he is Olivia's Father. Harold and Janette divorce somewhere along the way and he ends up in bed with his secretary Penelope. Him and Penelope shag for a few months while he is seeing Peggy once again. But that is okay because Peggy is doing "it" with the Italian Gardner Rico. Olivia goes to college and meets a sexy stunning young man and they fall in love. Next thing you know she runs home to Mom and tells her that she is pregnant and that her and the baby's Father want to get married. Peggy and Ted are delighted that she is happy and they meet the Fiance just to find out is her half BROTHER Nick. Then she has to break the silence and tell Ted that Olivia is Harolds and by this time Olivia is disgusted with her Mother, Father and her own gross tangled relationship with Nick. Now here is the REAL question......... Will Olivia's baby be deformed??? To be continued.....................................
Okay, I am not going to lie, that was WAY too confusing to even type, so I hope that it made sense. I just love these Redneck Soaps where everyone and anybody who's somebody's Spouce sleeps with everyone and creates mind pondering offspring! (lmao) Phew... what is in store for tomorrow!! I better go to bed so I can wake up and find out! LOL. Hope that everyone had a GREAT day! :)
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