Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Music Soothes My Everything!

According to researchers at Manchester University, music fans are stimulating part of the inner ear known as the Sacculus, which responds to the beat in music. This gives the brain pleasure and makes us feel good — during the music and afterwards. [When loud music is playing,] the brain is stimulated into releasing feelgood hormones that make us calm, happy and responsive.

Even though to much loud music is damaging to your ears, I enjoy it. There are a lot of people that LOVE music but don't listen to it as much or as loud as me. So when they are around its n absolute drag when they turn it down-even when a conversation isn't taking place. I get it, I know that some people can't think or do some things like read etc while music is on. My dear Husband is one of those people! Hahaha, I love you James!!  I most definately do not take quiet time for granted, but if you were to add a great song to the silence, its magical!

I love music, I always have! For as long as I can remember I have always loved a good song! My Father always had a good song playing in his Bronco. He even made a box for his speakers so that they were louder. I heard great songs from Musical wonders like, Elvis Presley, Kingston Trio, Def Lepard, Ozzy Osborne, The Beetles, etc..

I have noticed that I am not the only Music lover in my family. Both of my sisters are Music lovers by heart as well! But I seriously have my doubts that they are as bad as I. :) I could listen to music every day all day! When I was 9 years old, my Dad found someone to teach me to sing. From that point on til I was 17 I was a growing songbird. :) So I guess you could say that my Musical ambition is partly my Fathers fault! LOL, Which is entirely okay with me!

-The function of Music is to release us from the tyranny of conscious thought-
 -Music is just something that helps me escape and be totally free from everything-David Schmitt-
-Music washes away from the soul the dust from everyday life!-
-Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand.-

Now, its back to my Music I go...


  1. couldn't have said it better myself :)

  2. I definitely know that you are a musical person as well. Nice to know someone else shares the same love affair with music! :)
